In each town, state, and town in Turkey, the wedding customs are pretty unique. Despite this diversity, some traditions are shared by all regions of the nation. Turkish marriages are a stunning fusion of the old and the new, from money payments to the customary service.
A wedding’s procedures begin much before the true service itself. In a proper ceremony known as „kiz isteme,“ the vicar’s household likely propose to the bride. This typically takes place at the couple’s house and frequently includes a wedding gathering for the partners.
The bride’s house will be decorated with a flag or red ribbon before the formal ceremony starts, and davul and zurna ( traditional Turkish instruments ) will play music in the background. This is referred to as the „bride delivery.“ After that, her father did fasten a reddish ribbon around her neck to symbolize the former innocence buckle. This is a portent of prosperity and good fortune in the future.
When this occurs, the bride does become picked up by her parents from her house and will proceed to the vicar’s aspect on foot. She did have her close friends and family with her. This used to be done on horses, but it’s now done more frequently in automobiles. The bride may also have a little reflection in her hands to indicate that she is now wearing the red and white bridal colors, and musicians may play davul turkish brides and zurna as they lead the procession.
The „gold service,“ in which guests sew gold coins or money envelopes to the woman’s clothes, will be performed as soon as the wife and her crew arrive at the groom. This is a crucial marriage detail that demonstrates the bride’s price to the bridegroom and his home.
Members of the couple’s family and friends did lead them into their matrimonial room or Gerdek before the actual service. As they enter the compartment, one of her closest family members likely hold their hands.
Following the festival, a number of amusing traditions are performed. Children frequently block the routes as the bridal caravan passes by in an effort to tip the drivers of each vehicle. Another ancient tribal tradition involves firing artillery into the heat to signal the entry of the wedding celebration. The wedding can be welcomed into her dad’s home in this thrilling and colorful way!
Playing a game in which the bride and groom attempt to step on each other’s foot is also very popular. Being quick is crucial because the win will influence some of the choices the newlyweds make. Naturally, there is also the dance! Turkish celebrations are a happy way to celebrate life, and dancing into the wee time is common. Therefore, if you’re fortunate enough to receive an invitation to a Turkish wedding, do n’t forget to bring your dancing shoes!